Hello my name is Charles (or CR James).
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I’m not a sexual therapist.
I’m not a relationship expert.
I’m a former Signal Processing Engineer for the US Army, and I had the task of figuring out “information” within signals.
Long story short, I used to spend all day at work making adjustments to “input signals” to get a different output.
But at night, I was struggling with getting my wife to crave sex, while never adjusting the “input signals”.
So at some point, I decided to send “better signals” and I got better results. It worked so well, I created a few books (something I never planned to do) because I thought other men could benefit from my wacky experiments.
It’s not really rocket science. I just believe in a simple concept:
Better signals = Better results.
I believe that every guy can have great success with women if he’s willing to focus on two basic signals.
1. Sexual Value Signals = You are attractive to her.
2. Impact Signals = You have a strong impact on her.
In simple terms: She needs to find you attractive (based on what you do + what you say) AND you need to have an impact on her (based on your decisions + conversations).
As guys we want the same thing.
We want an attractive woman.
On top of that, we want her to have the right impact on us. We want her to be fun. Do nice things for us. Make us feel special/sexy. Be loyal. Be respectful and easy to be around.
So, there you go. If you send the right signals, you’ll always get better results.
If you have any questions, just email me at crjames100@gmail.com.
I do have social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and a few others) out there, but as of today, I barely log in and check messages. So good ‘ole email is the best way to reach me.
Best Regards,
CR James
Creator of Super Seduction Power