Strategic Streams of Arousal

We’ve mentioned this a few times without going into a lot of detail about why it’s important. So let’s break it down just in case it’s not obvious. If you’re able to look at things a little different, you’ll find this to be a very simple (and logical) concept that you can use to get women turned on in a unique way. First of all, when a woman decides to be more appealing to you (i.e. dressing sexier, having a sexier attitude, having a sexier attitude, etc) then she has increased her sexual value. Make sense? Great. What we’re going to take about is a little different even though the terminology is the same. In this case (when we refer to the guy increasing her sexual value), the woman doesn’t have to do anything. It’s just a matter of the guy saying things to get her to feel and believe she’s sexier. Do you see the difference? Here’s the breakdown to make it really clear.
The left column is based on what she does to get you to see her as more sexually appealing. The right column is based on what you do to get her to see herself as more sexually appealing. What we’re going to do is focus on ‘right column stuff’. This is important because there are times when she may not feel attractive. It could be temporary. It could be long-term. Maybe she has a low self-esteem (negative self-image). Maybe (for the short-terms) she has been recently comparing herself to women she thinks is more attractive. So even though you think she’s attractive/hot, she may have a low sexual value to herself. And the reason why it’s necessary to increase a woman’s sexual value (how she sees herself) is because it has an impact her ability to crave sex. It doesn’t matter if she sees herself as not-so-sexy, average, or sexy, you can always increase her sexual value by some degree. Here’s another interesting story… well at least I think it’s kinda interesting. šŸ™‚ In another report I mentioned the time when I ran into a female college friend. She ended up telling me that she’s now a nympho. She now loves sex and she can’t get enough. On the surface, it didn’t really catch my attention. Sometimes women say this to get a reaction out of you. …or maybe they’re interested in letting you know that the door is now open. I just kind of played it cool. Then she kept talking about how at one time, sex wasn’t a big deal and that she didn’t really need it. Now that caught my attention! She was basically using the same words that many wives/girlfriends tell their male partners. So at that point, I wanted to know what changed in terms of her: 1. Rules 2. Perspective 3. Intentions Long story short: She ended up saying a bunch of stuff that could be summed up as she made shifts in her sexual value. In other words, she now saw herself as sexier. That’s also interesting. Especially when many women are capable of getting ‘horny’ just by putting on some lingerie and feeling sexy. Doing the math, if a woman like this put on ‘sexy lingerie a lot’ ===> that would lead to ==> Being horny a lot. The female friend was in a way (via a shift her mindset) had put on some “mental lingerie”… Of course, she didn’t use those words. Plus, her perception of sex and her beliefs about what sex was all about changed. We’re talking several shifts. Hearing that really caught my attention!!! (And yes, it was officially worthy of 3 exclamation marks.) … you see, it was because of personal experiences + I had read in several places (motivational/success books/etc) about people making changes in their SELF PERCEPTION and how it positively impacted how they behaved. They improved certain aspects of their lives as a result of making positive shifts in their self-image (and/or beliefs about what they’re capable of). And this college friend had just given me the sexual/nympho version of this. It gets better… and by the way, depending on what other reports you own, you may have noticed a few “Seduction techniques” are (when you really analyze them) are all about getting the woman to increase her sexual value. That’s the reason! Moving on… instead of referring to it as increasing her sexual value we could refer to it as increasing her sexual identity. And basically, the more you increase her sexual identity, the more she’ll enjoy sex – the more she’ll see sex from the perspective of it being fun/valuable/exciting – the more she’ll see herself as a sexual success + other stuff + other stuff… Sometimes (and it all depends on the woman combined with the approach that you use), you can end up transforming her ‘sexual identity’ in a matter of days/weeks. In other cases, it may take weeks/months. Let’s now get to the good stuff! You see, once you have increased her sexual identity, it becomes much easier to get her sexually aroused. But why? Well first of all, people make decisions (and form urges) based on (1) perception of effort + (2) pain/pleasure + (3) risk/reward + (4) other factors. And here’s the analogy that shows how a woman will be much easier to get turned on once you have increase her sexual identity. Once you understand this, you’ll never look at getting her turned on the same way. Let’s look at three scenarios. Scenario #1: A woman is willing to walk outside of her house and across the street (2 minutes worth of effort) to receive $70. Scenario #2: She’s not willing to walk 100 miles to Location XYZ for $70. Scenario #3: She’s willing to walk 100 miles to Location XYZ for $70,000. As you can see, she’s making her decisions based on EFFORT & REWARD/PLEASURE. We could have also mentioned a 4th scenario. Scenario #4: She’s not willing to walk 100 miles to Location XYZ for a 50% chance at $70,000. This supports what we said earlier: People make decisions (and form urges) based on (1) perception of effort + (2) pain/pleasure + (3) risk/reward + (4) other factors. In other words, if she’s informed that walking 100 miles to go to XYZ Place will allow her to receive $70,000, then she would be up for it. As we can see, if the VALUE of X is really high, she’s willing to Perform A Lot of Effort to get X. And with Scenario #2: If the VALUE of X is low + The effort is high, she’s not going to be interested in doing what it takes to get X. That’s the REAL CORE reason why a woman ‘says no’ to sex (described in terms of value & effort)? It doesn’t matter if she had fun in the sack two nights ago. You see, it’s simple. If the effort involved (i.e. to make sex happen and/or to perform sex) is higher than the CURRENT VALUE of sex, then she won’t desire sex (at that moment in time). Knowing this is a game changer! And it’s not that she doesn’t like sex. In some cases, it’s not about the guy. It’s just that you’re asking her to go 100 miles for only $70. However, we’re not done breaking it down. There’s some other juicy stuff that goes along with this that will make you more effective! In a matter of speaking, let’s say that right now, from the perspective of your target woman, having sex with you = $70. That’s your baseline value ($70). You may want it to be $500 or $1000. But it’s $70. However, the effort-value-equivalent = $100. Huh? Effort-value-equivalent = The amount of walking she has to do to get the $$$. In a weird way, when you say to her: ‘Sweetie. Do you want to fool around right now and let Mr. Happy play?’ you end up achieving two things: Thing #1: You just initiating sex in the corniest way imaginable. And I’m a little ashamed of you by the way. Mr. Happy? Seriously? Thing #2: (And this is the serious part) You just basically asked her to spend $100 to get $70 back. (And keep in mind, women love bargains!) So when she’s says, ‘No Honey. I’m not up for it tonight’, it actually makes sense. Think about this… Why does building sexual tension actually work (described in terms of value & effort)? Well, think of it like this. If Sex = $70 & the effort to ask for it = $100 ….then basically, building sexual tension can be seen as increasing the value of sex so that it goes from $70 to more that $100. You want to turn the $70 into $110 or $200 or $700. That way you’re asking her to exchange $70 to get back $700. All women would take that bargain. Phase 2: How do you turn $70 into $210? To do this we have to start with the CR Decision Formula. People make decisions based on (1) perception of effort + (2) pain/pleasure + (3) risk/reward + (4) other factors. If Sex = $70, it’s often because of one pleasure stream. Case #1 Pleasure Stream #1: It physically feels good to her (that’s worth $70) Total Value of Sex = $70 Effort = $100 In this scenario, you’re asking her to give up $100 for $70. If you build sexual tension, you’re actually increasing the value of sex because now it represents a tension release. So now there are two streams. Case #2 Pleasure Stream #1: It physically feels good to her (that’s worth $70) Pleasure Stream #2: It represents a release in tension (that’s also worth $70) Total Value of Sex = $140 Effort = $100 And if the Effort Value = $100, she’s going to want to do it, because you’re basically asking her to give up $100 for $140 (That translates to her wanting sex.) I hope it makes sense. And as a result of building tension, you have increased her urge/desire to have sex. But we’re not done. Let’s get to the magical third layer! When you build sexual tension + you’ve effectively increased her sexual identity, this is what happens: Case #3 Pleasure Stream #1: It physically feels good to her (that’s worth $70) Pleasure Stream #2: It represents a release in tension (that’s also worth $70) Pleasure Stream #3: It emotionally feels good to her (that’s also worth $70) Total Value of Sex = $210 Effort = $100 When husbands aren’t too skilled at initiating sex, it’s often because they do it in a way that makes her feel cheap or like an object. For example, the guy may say something like, “Hey are you going to give me some?” For certain women, it makes it seem as that she’s an object. It’s not framed in a way that makes her feel special, desired, beautiful, etc. However, if he were to say something along the lines of. “I missed you blah blah blah I’ve been thinking about you. How about we [so some sort of intimate act]” It could end up being framed as an “intimate experience” where making is part of the process. In this case, she feels sexy and/or loved and/or valued. Depending on how you treat her and interact with her (i.e. listening, valuing her opinion, having a good time together) + how you initiate sex, determines if you’ll end up adding Pleasure Stream #3. On top of that how successful/skilled you are at building sexual tension determines how valuable Pleasure Stream #2 will be + The emotions that you attach to sex, determines how valuable Pleasure Stream #3. Let’s look at the next case. Case #4 Pleasure Stream #1A: It physically feels good to her (that’s worth $70) Pleasure Stream #1B: You do something new/different/better + it physically feels good to her (that’s worth $70) Pleasure Stream #2A: You do a type of sexual tension tactic (that’s also worth $70) Pleasure Stream #2B: You add another layer of sexual tension (that’s also worth $70) Pleasure Stream #2C: You add another layer of sexual tension (that’s also worth $70) Pleasure Stream #3A: You make her feel loved during sex (that’s also worth $70) Pleasure Stream #3B: You make her feel like a sexual success (i.e. complimenting her about how amazing she was the other night) (that’s also worth $70) Total Value of Sex = $490 Effort = $100 Let’s look at the next case. You hire a babysitter + You create an environment that is ideal for sex + You initiate sex during a time when she has peak energy Case #5 Pleasure Stream #1: It physically feels good to her (that’s worth $70) Total Value of Sex = $70 Effort = $100 $25 Now, you’re asking her to give up $25 to get $70 back Do you see how you can keep adding ‘new pleasure streams’ and thus (in a secret backdoor way) increase the value of sex? When you increase her sexual value + increase the sex value, you can end up really making her crave it like crazy! Why? Because (1) you can keep adding pleasure streams + (2) you can keep increasing the value of each stream + (3) you can find ways to reduce the effort In Case #4, we had 7 pleasure streams @ $70 a piece = $490. (And by the way, this is how they really should have taught math in school. lol) Now imagine being a little bit more effective at each stream at an increase of 25%. The pleasure streams are now valued at $87.50 a piece = $612.50 Does that make sense? The next time a woman tells you no for sex, don’t get upset. Instead it makes more sense to describe it in terms of pleasure streams. Pleasure Stream #1: What was the estimated value of your past sexual experiences with her ($____) Pleasure Stream #2: What was the estimated value of your sexual tension building? ($____) Pleasure Stream #3: What was the estimated value of the emotions that you attach/link to sex? ($____) Total Value of Sex = ($_____) What is the Effort = ($_____) In other words, you can ALWAYS do things to make sex more physically pleasurable to her (stream #1). You can ALWAYS be more effective at building sexual tension (stream #2). You can ALWAYS be more effective at boosting her sexual value and/or adding emotions to sex (stream #3) Now let’s get to PHASE 3! We’re done with the math. Let’s get to the psychology (and how the brain works). In order for a guy to increase the value of sex (via an increase in her sexual value) all he has to do is say the right comments. It’s kind of amazing that all comes back to ‘saying words’ to her. And the comment could be as simple as: The guy: The other night you really blew me away, Sweetie! I don’t know if you’ve been reading any new sex books, but you really are an amazing love-maker. And by the way, when you started to blah blah blah, it felt so good my vision got blurry! And then blah blah blah blah blah blah You get the point. If you know your woman (and you have the Super Mindset where you care about her experience), then you’ll know HER KEY BUTTONS. Some women love getting credit for everything. Some just enjoy being appreciated and acknowledged. Who knows if the above example compliment would work on every woman? But it’s a simple example that’s purely designed to make her smile/blush/giggle and feel like a sexual success. It’s one thing for her to have sex and it feels physically pleasurable [$70]. It’s another thing for the sex to provide physical pleasure + emotional pleasure (i.e. the ego-boost of her feeling proud of being able to please you like no other women) [$140] So does one simple compliment create this sort of effect? Answer: Sometimes. It depends on how well the compliment is crafted + how well it is linked to her ‘formula of desired perceptions’ + the intensity of her emotional reaction (which is based on some factors that are out of your control). In most cases, when you’re building her sexual value, it operates the same way as when you build your sexual value – where it requires an ongoing campaign of the right signals. Right Signals + Right Signals + Right Signals + Right Signals = The Right Impression Is Formed That’s how it works. Until next time. Warmest Regards, CR James

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    Hey Mr. James,

    Thanks a lot for a month back. The super compliments work like a charm! The girl I had issues with is now all over me. We are closer than ever before, and she is doing so many nice things for me. It is unbelievable the nice things she does for me.

    Just yesterday, she drove down 1.5 hours from her home to come with me to a Broadway show. Best of yet, she paid for the tickets!!! Unbelievable!!! I don't know what to say. It happened.

    Those super compliments have also been handy with other women. I am in a class with a bunch of GORGEOUS women, and these women have taken a further interest in me. A lot of them are offering themselves up like candy.

    Super compliments with super seduction powers and lust buttons for the win!!!

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    Hi CR,

    thanks! I am doing amazingly well!

    In fact, I was just about to write to you a little note with a bit of feedback.

    The Secret Pattern brings everything to a new level. But not from 2 or 3 to 4.... IT is like going to level 7 or 8.

    I have started using it 7 days ago and although there are some other things going on I am sure it plays a big part.

    I have [done something] every day ( ????, ????, ????, ????...etc.) I had planned to increase the intensity for two hours but never managed to get to the end... and we ended up having long love making sessions every single night with increasing intensity.

    She tells me every night that she is getting addicted to it and how happy she is to have found her man....(her words)

    I don't even put much planning in it... The pattern is easy to repeat and then I just choose the ingredients for the night when i come home...

    So, 10 out of 10 for this one!!!!

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    Thanks James, Really appreciate the response and info.

    Iā€™ve been reading the part of MFM and I find it so much along my line of thoughts and observations since Iā€™ve been married these past 12 years. Like you I have been obsessive about how I can make my wife want me and desire me more often and I totally agree with the persona thing, health, and creating the right atmosphere, etc.

    It really works because I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve ever been turned down unless she was on her period, had the flu, etc., she really is a great partner for meā€¦

    I mean we have sex on an average of 1/day, seriously I not trying to brag, but maybe some couples have it more oftenā€¦I donā€™t really know.

    Itā€™s what Iā€™ve watched and learned about her and it is true when these things are clicking she becomes more mentally in ā€œthe moodā€ to have sex.

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    I am a Mensa and my wife was a systems analyst before she retired.

    I am spending my energies on trying to see and hear what is real.

    This is what I have gotten in the first 26 pages. I am really getting to the point of all this great recommendation. Or perhaps I should just tell you the problem I have been having in my life ā€“ because I firmly believe that if I can completely solve just one thing and understand it fully I will understand everything. (otherwise nothing is connected and this is impossible). ā€¦

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    I love being better equipped to figuring out whatā€™s going on in a womanā€™s head (things even she doesnā€™t know are going on) and watching (sometimes with frightening predictability) the responses to what Iā€™m doing or sayingā€¦ press this button, does this; press that button, does thatā€¦ mmm wonder what happens if I press em both at onceā€¦ ;) If youā€™ve got any other material out since I purchased SSP, def interested ā€“ Iā€™m sending a mate or two, and both my brothers, your way too.

    Dunno whether youā€™ve considered translating any of it, but my old man does freelance translating into both french and spanish!

    Seriously, the world needs this.

    but you knew this alreadyā€¦

    Anyway, if you want an endorsement for your page or whatever, all I could say is thisā€¦

    Is your wife/girlfriend, or more importantly, *your* life, worth more than 40 bucks?

    If not hit the little cross in the corner of your browser :)

    thanks again
    Cool Bruce ******

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    Hi CR,

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the reports you send, I really enjoy your writings and your sense of humor in presenting them.

    I have purchased most of your books online Thanks for your time, B.M.

    Greenville SC

    PS I did practice some of your techniques and saw alot of success with them,also had a lot of fun with them.

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    ā€œWOW! Your material is excellent.

    I have bought a lot of seduction books because being by nature an introvert I realized that my interpersonal skills were a weakness that could keep me from achieving my goals. Anyway, the mind state theory you have is CRAZY. I [do a secret technique] and when I go out I can feel women drawn tome, INSANE.

    I tried an experiment yesterday with mind state when I went out for breakfast. The cute waitress kept her hand on my shoulder the entire time she was around my table. I have two questions. [removed]


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    CR James

    Thank you for your material!

    Your techniques have already given me amazing progress!

    I actually have had two different girls (an 8 and a 9) come up to me and say there was something different they liked about me but didn't know what it was. If I wasn't using your material to try and save my marriage I would be out dating hot babes right now instead of emailing you.

    Thank you for being one of the few guys out there that help men find the knowledge they really need to build a happy balanced relationship.

    Your material more than pays for itself in the first day.

    My self confidence has sky rocketed 200%!!!

    Youā€™re a life saver,

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    Thank you very much!!! Now, on to driving my wife crazy with orgasmsā€¦ oh, by the way ā€“ a little philosophy of mineā€¦

    Sheā€™s 47, hot, but her libido has dropped in the last 2 years. Iā€™m doing things to attract her sexually and emotionally ā€“ [by doing all of the things mentioned in Super Seduction Power] I lovingly look out for her interests continually, but sometimes let her be independent and ā€˜do things on her ownā€™. We do fun and adventurous things, and travel some, too.

    Itā€™s true ā€“ women want [a man to be a Certain Way]

    I have found that itā€™s so important for a man to be older and more experienced in everything ā€“ including sex, and to do things right from the beginning ā€“ for the respect, love, kindness, fun, and sex in the relationship. The sayingā€¦ā€œWomen are like carpet, and need to be laid right the first timeā€. Has some truth to it.

    Whether he knows it or not, the man sets the tone for how the woman responds to him, how much she will respect and admire him, value him, and for how well she responds to him sexually. Wives must literally be ā€˜broke in rightā€™, and taught how to respond to a loving caring, manly, and sexual man. A woman who learns to trust him ā€“ because he is trustworthy; and give herself completely and happily to him sexually because he knows how to attract, seduce, and sexually drive her wild is a very blest little honey with a very wise man.

    Thatā€™s the path Iā€™m on. She is pretty well trained. I love my wife, and want to totally screw her brains out ā€“ with her enjoying every bit of it. The goal of every husband ā€“ or it should be!

    Thanks for your kindness and great customer service!


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    Hi CR

    If you are interested to know, things have moved so fast!

    I am absolutely hooked on your stuff.Am about a quarter of the way thru your main [Super Seduction Power] book and have been applying a few things.

    She said there was nothing in the report she would fall for but after that she became freakinā€™ ravenous!

    -During dinner asked me what my biggest sexual fantasy was and when I told her she said yes she would enjoy it

    - Proceeded to tell me she would do anything other than anal but wanted to be tied up and taken

    - After dinner she dragged me into the bedroom and gave me a blow job (first one since, sheesh, I canā€™t remember when!)

    - We then went to the mall for a while, on the way there she tells me we should hire some XXX DVDs from the video shop and watch them at the weekend (this after going ape-shit once after finding an old porn mag I had stashed under a bookcase!)

    - Got home and she shoves me down on the coach - another blow job

    - Then disappears into the bedroom and comes back with a draw full of sex toys (that we hadnā€™t used since I canā€™t remember when)

    - Jumps on top of me and rides herself silly

    - Races off to the bedroom again and comes back with a pair of red high-heeled shoes. She puts these on as then that makes her the perfect height for her to bend herself over the arm of coach while I then have my way with her!

    Lets say Iā€™m now looking forward to the weekend.


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    Dear Mr. James,

    I just have to write and tell you something.

    You have changed my life.

    Let me explain. I am a good looking, physically fit, successful, 37 year old man. I have no trouble meeting women.

    But after 11 years of friendship I came to realize that I could never settle down with any woman because I would always compare them to my best friend.

    She is a beautiful, successful woman, who I have a strong connection to. For years our friends wondered out loud how come we didn't date...I was at the end of my rope but after some hesitation I bought your materials.

    Thank you thank you thank you, Mr. James.

    We are now exclusively dating each other and we both are very happy. And, I just bought your new reports...and we just had the best sex ever!

    She came on to me so hard, it was so out of her character. But I just followed your techniques and they worked like a charm.

    It is amazing how I do the things you suggest wondering "is this really going to work" then I get the results just as you say.

    So glad I found you and had the balls to purchase. If all those guys looking for miss right at these on line dating services would just spend 1 month enrollment fee on your books, they would never have to waste a dime on those dating sites.

    Good for you Mr. James.

    But better for us. Thanks Again. I look forward to your new books. You better e-mail me any time you write something new.

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    Hi CR,

    First off, thank you very much for replying to me. You must be a pretty busy guy, and getting this kind of support from you is amazing.

    I have purchased a couple of your products, and I like them. I particularly like the way you break down your ideas conceptually, rather than the ā€˜this techniqueā€™ and ā€˜that techniqueā€™ approach that is so common.

    Iā€™ve read over what you have written a couple of times, with a day or two between readings to take the time to ponder it a bit.

    Truthfully, you make more sense to me than any other counselor Iā€™ve been to.

    Iā€™ve also tended to read a lot of relationship stuff in the past couple of years in an attempt to be a better partner myself, and those I consider to be the best pretty much echo what you say, though none say it so humanly or so precisely (and frankly, none of them are as interesting, either!)

    D. F.

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    Hey CR James It's Richardo from Jamaica its been a long time since I emailed you.

    I really love your reports dude and I think your a fucking master mind at hacking chicks brains.

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    Hey CR

    I finally got my girl back. I used those techniques on her...

    The next time I saw her she admitted she couldn't stop thinking about me, even while she was on holiday.

    Im gonna re-read all your reports now, also, can you give any extra tips, so I dont lose her again?

    I honestly cannot thank you enough, you are a genius!

    If anyone has any doubts about your work, they need their head testing!!!!



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